Shoptelligence relies on Google Tag Manager (GTM) to collect data and calculate KPIs. Upon launch, Shoptelligence will provide a GTM code snippet that should be added to your website. The snippet can be added directly or loaded through another tag manager such as Tealium.
For optimal results, it is important that the tag be loaded immediately after the A/B testing tag or any master tag on the page to ensure that Shoptelligence captures the same events as any A/B testing framework or master tag.
Shoptelligence requires 72 hours from the day our tag is added to your website. During this time, we determine baselines for the following metrics:
- Tag load time
- Tag load times are used to determine potential data loss. Traditionally, slower tag has led to a loss in data, this is typically due to the position of the tag is loaded on the page.
- Unique users
- We measure the difference between our unique users and the testing frameworks unique users/visitors. The typical difference between GA and most testing frameworks is ≤10%. This percentage may be higher due to the position our tag is loaded on a page.
- Sessions
- Unique sessions
- Business measurements
Shoptelligence requests that the following be added to your website’s cookie if you are performing a/b testing on your website:
Key Name: st_ab
Value Format: st{1-999}
Example: If the page loaded is the A side of your test, the cookie might look like st_ab: st1. If the page loaded is the B side of your test, the cookie might look like st_ab: st2. Any number of a/b tests can be supported by giving each one a unique value for st_ab.
The following code should be copied and pasted into the <head> tag of your sites main HTML file as high as possible:
<!– Google Tag Manager –> |
NOTE (txt version for copy paste):
<!– Google Tag Manager –>
new Date().getTime(),event:’gtm.js’});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
<!– End Google Tag Manager –>
Shoptelligence requests that it be placed immediately after your A/B test suite or personal tag manager.
The following code should be placed at the start of your <body> tag of your sites main HTML file:
<!– Google Tag Manager (noscript) –> |
NOTE (txt version for copy paste):
<!– Google Tag Manager (noscript) –>
<noscript><iframe src=”<TAG-ID>”
height=”0″ width=”0″ style=”display:none;visibility:hidden”></iframe></noscript>
<!– End Google Tag Manager (noscript) –>